Celebrating 25 Years of LT Results

When Liz Parker left her corporate job 25 years ago and started consulting, she had no idea that road would lead to what became LT Results. The last two and a half decades have taught us powerful lessons—some certainly easier to learn than others.

But most importantly, those experiences sharpened and refined our understanding of leading, growing, and ultimately thriving.

As we prepare for what’s next for LT Results, we wanted to share five lessons we’ve learned over the past nearly three decades to help the ever-evolving entrepreneur.  

  1. Clarity is Critical 

    It sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how often clarity is lost in an attempt to sound overly professional or impressive. From our early days in Hong Kong to working with companies worldwide,, we can confidently say that clarity changes everything.

    It doesn’t matter how brilliant your business strategy is, if it’s not clear it will fail. We’ve had the honor of helping clients streamline their goals, get their teams on the same page, and cut through the noise of business jargon. When everyone understands the direction in which your business is heading, progress quickly follows. 

  2. Growth Always Takes Time

    We’ve seen companies struggle when they’re unsure of their growth phase, which is a big reason we’re certified in the 7 Stages of Entrepreneurial Growth (read more about our certifications HERE.) In one instance, we used this roadmap to help a manufacturing company that was stuck in a “growth through delegation” phase but still managing like a start-up. By aligning their leadership approach with their actual stage of growth, they were able to scale sustainably, which empowered their team to improve overall efficiency. 

  3. You Must Be Adaptable

    To say the business landscape looked different 25 years ago would be an understatement. Over the years, we’ve navigated economic insanity, digital transformations, and massive shifts in global markets. 

    One of our most memorable experiences was with a tech company based in Europe struggling to adapt to the rapid changes in its industry. By helping them rethink their strategy, they could embrace and implement new technologies. This meant staying competitive in a fast-evolving market. At LT Results, we know adaptability is a survival skill, not just a buzzword!

  4. Relationships are the Key
    Business success is more reliant on long-term relationships than short-term wins. One of our manufacturing clients has worked with Liz for over 15 years. We’ve seen them through years of growth and change, including significant leadership transitions. Our ongoing partnership has helped them stay on course, and their trust in what we do makes our work even more rewarding. 

    Building meaningful, lasting relationships with clients has been central to our success. And if anyone knows the importance of networking, it’s Liz! Read more about how networking has affected Liz’s 40-year career HERE.

  5. Your Purpose Drives Your Performance
    Your success is about more than the numbers. We’ve learned firsthand that businesses perform better when their leaders feel personally connected to their work. When we work with our clients, we make sure the leadership team is connected to their core values. When leaders are passionate about their business, employee engagement increases, and company growth is sustainable. 

In addition to the lessons learned through our work at LT Results, Liz Parker has captured many insights in her book, Who’s Leading Your Business? This book is a practical guide for leaders who want to understand their leadership style, align their teams, and maximize their company’s potential.

Whether you’re navigating growth, tackling leadership nuances, or planning for the future of your business, Who’s Leading Your Business? Provides valuable insights to help you lead with clarity and purpose. Learn more about the book HERE.

These lessons continue to guide us at LT Results as we move forward. If you’re ready to work with us, we’d love to connect. Schedule a 30-minute discovery call with Liz, and let us help you find clarity, growth, and fulfillment. 

Here’s to the next 25 years of partnerships and success!